Cloud Computing: One Small Step for Cybersecurity, One Giant Leap for Your Business

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing: One Small Step for Cybersecurity, One Giant Leap for Your Business

cloud computing business growth,

For the past years, cloud computing has been a trend among businesses. In fact, in 2018 organizations spent $2.2 million for cloud computing. Additionally, it is forecasted that this year the global public cloud computing market will exceed $330 billion.

What is cloud computing?

In simplest terms, cloud computing refers to the storage and access of data and programs over the internet instead of your computer’s hard drive. Microsoft Azure defines cloud computing as the delivery of computing services which includes servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over “the cloud” or the internet. 

This year cloud computing is expected to further dominate the market due to advances in artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and Internet-of-Things (IoT).

Why is moving to the cloud the best decision for your business?

1. Reduced expenses

When you move your business to the cloud, you could save from the supposed upfront cost of purchasing, managing, and upgrading of IT systems. Aside from one-time-payment with your managed service provider, the other customized packages, organizations can significantly lower their IT costs. Hence, using cloud model converts capital expenditure to operational expenditure.

2. Unlimited storage space

Aside from freeing in-house space, cloud provides unlimited storage space. This way, businesses will no longer require physical storage, data backup and software programs which take up most of the space

3. Fault resilience

Compared to using your own servers, cloud computing eliminates hardware that you need in case of failure. Fear of failure would also lead you to duplicating each and every file which is not only redundant but also susceptible to outages. Aside from ensured reliability, cloud computing also keeps information highly available.

4. Scalability

When you expand your business, you anticipate larger amount of data to be stored. Cloud computing proves most essential to start-ups and growing enterprises, as they are able to optimize resources from the cloud. This enables them to escape fees in purchasing hardware and software, therefore mitigating operational cost.

5. Heightened security

Cloud providers are required to apply a range of stringent security measures—such as the use of robust firewall technology that features intrusion prevention systems and in-flow virus protection—in order to protect their customers’ data. Cloud computing protects your business from cyber threats like hacking, infection and internal data theft.

6. Flexibility

Mobility is one of the primary benefits of cloud computing. This proves to be most essential today, with the demands of shifting to remote work due to the ongoing pandemic. It allows you and your employees to work in any location due to the accessibility of data in the cloud. As long as you have a robust, secure internet connection, you can get real time updates of all operations.


Cloud hosting provides a wide array of benefits to businesses but it doesn’t apply to all business models. For startups, enterprises in the midst of expansion, or those still planning to expand, cloud computing can help you retain or increase competitiveness and meet other goals.  

Looking for managed cloud services? Hit us a message or check our solutions.


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