Wendy’s Philippines, Fully-connected!

WiFly - Wendy's Philippines

Wendy’s Philippines, Fully-connected!


For many years, Wendy’s Philippines, one of the leading fast-food chains in the Philippines, have had challenges consolidating all their branches into a unified wide-area network. This is due to several factors concerning available facilities to establish good connectivity from their branches, commissary, and the headquarters. Stores within shopping malls suffer from a lack of decent wiring and TELCO services. 

T2G agreed to take on the challenge, and delivered a managed private WAN infrastructure to Wendy’s rapidly at a rate of one store per night! This service is called WiFLY Private Networks by T2G. All stores are now centrally-managed and securely-accessible from the head office.

With the WiFLY Networks in place, data privacy will be at the utmost priority – highlighting protocols such as threat protection, web access security policy, and traffic control.

T2G’s pride itself for its topnotch network support is available 24×7 – onsite response is critical and network administration is now pain-free for Wendy’s IT Infrastructure team.

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About WiFLY Networks

WiFLY Networks is an innovative way to connect your head office, remote branches, and workers in a secure managed private network. We provide a private WAN solution to various industries such as retail, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, logistics, distribution, and other vertical markets.


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