warning cyber attack, malware, virus, spam, computer with warning

How to Cultivate a Cyber Risk-Aware Culture in Your Organization

How to Cultivate a Cyber Risk-Aware Culture in Your Organization Believe it or not, your employees can potentially expose your organization to huge amounts of cyber risk — whether it’s carelessly handling sensitive data, succumbing to phishing attacks, or password mismanagement — most data breaches directly or indirectly all point to user awareness issues.  Apart from the longer-term damage to the company’s…

Productivity Tools Work from Home

Productivity Tools, Are They Worth It?

Productivity Tools: Are They Worth It?   Even the best people fall into the trap of distractions and ultimately, procrastination – whether we like it or not. “Futile hours” is the common enemy – and one that must be addressed right away before it becomes a force of habit. Now that everyone is pretty much…

WiFly - Wendy's Philippines

Wendy’s Philippines, Fully-connected!

Wendy’s Philippines, Fully-connected!   For many years, Wendy’s Philippines, one of the leading fast-food chains in the Philippines, have had challenges consolidating all their branches into a unified wide-area network. This is due to several factors concerning available facilities to establish good connectivity from their branches, commissary, and the headquarters. Stores within shopping malls suffer…

Digital Business

Invest in Technology: How IP Infrastructure Directly Impacts Competitive Advantage

Invest in Technology: How IP Infrastructure Directly Impacts Competitive Advantage   A robust infrastructure can leverage a business’ value proposition – whether it’s optimizing business performance, limiting technological catastrophe, or even enhancing customer experience. Here’s a closer look at how establishing a strategic and robust IP infrastructure directly impacts your business’ competitive advantage. ​[convertkit form=1530519]…